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COVID-19 Update

We're here to help

Firstly, we hope you are keeping safe and sane in this new normal. A lot has happened in the last few months, and business-as-usual is a thing of the past for many people.  So with that in mind, we’ve summarised what will and won’t change for Evolved so we can best support you and your business to effectively run meetings, events and presentations in the digital space.

Here’s what won’t change



Our opening hours are the same as they’ve always been, and we’re happy to work flexibly across time zones when needed.

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What you present on screen has to work harder than it ever had to, and as always, we are committed to delivering visuals that are not just beautiful, but effective.



The best part of what we do is collaborating with each other and our clients, so we are using the power of technology to stay connected with you and our team, to brainstorm, ideate and create together. Video calls and live review docs are our friend, and you will still have the same visibility and involvement in the feedback and review process.


Technical capabilities

We’re already set up to be able to move ourselves and our equipment onsite wherever we’re needed, so we are well placed to work safely from our homes, and provide the same level of productivity, IT security and output.

Here’s what will change


Additional service offerings

Our past work has included many large-scale events with catch-all content for your audience, however with online events, we have the ability to produce more targeted content in smaller bites for more specific audiences. 


What we design for you

Online is not the same as in-person, rest assured we won’t be trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. We custom build online content with the platform, medium and audience in mind, and we’re always available to consult on best practices for this.

While we're all doing our bit to stay safe, it is a terrific time for some creative brainstorming. We are always happy to bounce ideas around with you, and help you connect with your audience in new and interesting ways.


Take care.

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